What is Computer Systems Security?

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.


Hacking Methodology


  1. Reconnaissance

  2. Gaining a foothold

  3. Internal reconnaissance

  4. Gaining influence in the network

  5. Total compromise

  6. gLoAtInG

Computer Systems (In)Security

  • Modern computer systems are complex. With great complexity comes great vulnerability.

  • There is an attack/defense asymmetry:

    • A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

    • To win, the defender has to block every attack.

    • To win, the attacker has to succeed just once.

  • Even good defenses fail!


  • Don't do anything illegal!

    • NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER hack into a system that you do not have explicit permission to hack.

    • Never attempt to find vulnerabilities in a system that you do not own or have permission to audit.

Last updated