Gatekeeper Three


Cope with gates and become an entrant.

Things that might help:

  • Recall return values of low-level functions.

  • Be attentive with semantic.

  • Refresh how storage works in Ethereum.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SimpleTrick {
  GatekeeperThree public target;
  address public trick;
  uint private password = block.timestamp;

  constructor (address payable _target) {
    target = GatekeeperThree(_target);
  function checkPassword(uint _password) public returns (bool) {
    if (_password == password) {
      return true;
    password = block.timestamp;
    return false;
  function trickInit() public {
    trick = address(this);
  function trickyTrick() public {
    if (address(this) == msg.sender && address(this) != trick) {

contract GatekeeperThree {
  address public owner;
  address public entrant;
  bool public allowEntrance;

  SimpleTrick public trick;

  function construct0r() public {
      owner = msg.sender;

  modifier gateOne() {
    require(msg.sender == owner);
    require(tx.origin != owner);

  modifier gateTwo() {
    require(allowEntrance == true);

  modifier gateThree() {
    if (address(this).balance > 0.001 ether && payable(owner).send(0.001 ether) == false) {

  function getAllowance(uint _password) public {
    if (trick.checkPassword(_password)) {
        allowEntrance = true;

  function createTrick() public {
    trick = new SimpleTrick(payable(address(this)));

  function enter() public gateOne gateTwo gateThree {
    entrant = tx.origin;

  receive () external payable {}


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