Built-in Functions and Standard Library

Built-in Functions

  • abs(x)

  • all(s)

  • any(s)

  • ascii(x)

  • bin(x)

  • bool([x])

  • breakpoint()

  • bytearray([x])

  • bytearray(s, encoding)

  • bytes([x])

  • bytes(s, encoding)

  • callable(obj)

  • chr(x)

  • classmethod(func)

  • compile(string, filename, kind)

  • complex([real [, imag]])

  • delattr(object, attr)

  • dict([m]) or dict(key1=value1, key2=value2, ...)

  • dir([object])

  • divmod(a, b)

  • enumerate(iter, start=0)

  • eval(expr, [, globals [, locals]])

  • exec(code [, globals [, locals]])

  • filter(function, iterable)

  • float([x])

  • format(value [, format_spec])

  • frozenset([iterms])

    • Type representing an immutable set object populated with values taken from items which must be an iterable. The values must also be immutable. If no argument is given, an empty set is returned. A frozenset supports all of the operations found on sets except for any operations that mutate a set in-place.

  • getattr(object, name [, default])

  • globals()

  • hasattr(object, name)

  • hash(object)

  • hex(x)

  • id(object)

  • input([prompt])

  • int(x [, base])

  • isinstance(object, classobj)

  • issubclass(class1, class2)

  • iter(object, [, sentinel])

  • len(s)

  • list([items])

  • locals()

  • map(function, items, ...)

  • max(s [, args, ...], *, default=obj, key=func)

  • min(s [, args, ...], *, default=obj, key=func)

  • next(s [, default])

  • object()

  • oct(x)

  • open(filename [, mode [, bufsize [, encoding [, errors [, newline [, closefd]]]]]])

  • ord(c)

  • pow(x, y [, z])

  • print(value, ..., *, sep=separator, end=ending, file=outfile)

  • property([fget [, fset [, fdel [, doc]]]])

  • range([start,] stop [,step])

  • repr(object)

  • reversed(s)

  • round(x [, n])

  • set([items])

  • setattr(object, name, value)

  • slice([start,] stop [, step])

  • sorted(iterable, *, key=keyfunc, reverse=reverseflag)

  • staticmethod(func)

  • str([object])

  • sum(items [, initial])

  • super()

  • tuple([items])

  • type(object)

  • vars([object])

  • zip([s1 [, s2 [, ...]]])

Built-in Exceptions

Exception Base Classes

  • BaseException

    • The root class for all exceptions. All built-in exceptions are derived from this class.

  • Exception

    • The base class for all program-related exceptions. That includes all built-in exceptions except for SystemExit, GeneratorExit, and KeyboardInterrupt. User-defined exceptions should inherit from Exception.

  • ArithmeticError

    • The base class for arithmetic exceptions, including OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError, and FloatingPointError.

  • LookupError

    • The base class for indexing and key errors, including IndexError and KeyError.

  • EnvironmentError

    • The base class for errors that occur outside Python. Is a synonym for OSError.

For example:

    x = 1 / 0
except ArithmeticError as e:
    print('Math is wrong.')

Exception Attributes

Predefined Exception Classes

Standard Library

Last updated