Passwords and File Permissions

Plaintext passwords vs. password hashes

Method 1: Stored Passwords (Plaintext Passwords)


Passwords might be leaked through command line arguments. View terminal command history:


Or examine the .bash_history file:

cat ~/.bash_history | grep -i passw

LinPEAS will find potential passwords as well.

Method 2: Password Cracking (Password Hashes)


If we have read permission on both /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, then we can use unshadow to combines passwd and shadow files and crack the password. Unshadow:

unshadow passwd.txt shadow.txt > unshadowed.txt


Search hash types in this table:

Suppose the hash starts with $6$ which corresponds to hash mode 1800. Crack the unshadowed password hash in Windows machine:

./hashcat.exe -m 1800 unshadowed.txt rockyou.txt -O

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