GPP / cPassword



  • Group Policy Preferences (GPP) allowed admins to create policies using embedded credentials

  • These credentials were encrypted and placed in a "cpassword"

  • The key was accidentally released

  • Patched in MS14-025, but doesn't prevent previous uses

  • Use Kali built-in tool gpp-decrypt to decrypt the encrypted GPP password.

Group Policy Preference (GPP)

One of the most useful features of Group Policy Preferences (GPP) is the ability to store and use credentials in several scenarios. These include:

  • Map drives (Drives.xml)

  • Create Local Users

  • Data Sources (DataSources.xml)

  • Printer configuration (Printers.xml)

  • Create/Update Services (Services.xml)

  • Scheduled Tasks (ScheduledTasks.xml)

  • Change local Administrator passwords

Credential Storage in GPP

When a new GPP is created, there’s an associated XML file created in SYSVOL with the relevant configuration data and if there is a password provided, it is AES-256 encrypted.

However, Microsoft published the AES private key on MSDN which can be used to decrypt the password. Since authenticated users (any domain user or users in a trusted domain) have read access to SYSVOL, anyone in the domain can search the SYSVOL share for XML files containing "cpassword" which is the value that contains the AES encrypted password:


Use Kali built-in tool gpp-decrypt to decrypt the AES-encrypted password found in the "cpassword" field:

gpp-decrypt <gpp_password>

Metasploit: smb_enum_gpp

This module enumerates files from target domain controllers and connects to them via SMB. It then looks for Group Policy Preference (GPP) XML files containing local/domain user accounts and passwords and decrypts them using Microsoft's public AES key:

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enum_gpp
msf auxiliary(smb_enum_gpp) > show actions
msf auxiliary(smb_enum_gpp) > set ACTION < action-name >
msf auxiliary(smb_enum_gpp) > show options and set options...
msf auxiliary(smb_enum_gpp) > run

Lab: Hack The Box - Active


  • Install KB2962486 on every computer used to manage GPOs which prevents new credentials from being placed in Group Policy Preferences.

  • Delete existing GPP xml files in SYSVOL containing passwords.


Last updated