DNS Records

  • Resource Record

    • A Resource record starts with a domain name, usually a fully qualified domain name. If anything other than a fully qualified domain name is used, the name of the zone the record is in will automatically be appended to the end of the name.

  • TTL (Time To Live)

    • Time To Live in seconds, defaults to the minimum value determined in the SOA record.

  • Record Class

    • Internet, Hesiod, or Chaos.

  • SOA (Start of Authority)

    • Indicates the beginning of a zone and it should occur first in a zone file. There can be only one SOA record per zone. Defines certain values for the zone such as a serial number and various expiration timeouts

  • NS (Name Server)

    • Defines an authoritative name server for a zone. Defines and delegates authority to a name server for a child zone. NS Records are the GLUE that binds the distributed database together.

  • A

    • IPv4 address.

  • AAAA

    • IPv6 address.

  • PTR (Pointer)

    • The PTR record maps an IP address to a Hostname. Zones with PTR records are called "reverse" zones.


    • The CNAME record maps an alias hostname to an A record hostname.

  • MX (Mail Exchange)

    • The MX record specifies a host that will accept email on behalf of a given host. The specified host has an associated priority value. A single host may have multiple MX records. The records for a specific host make up a prioritized list.

DNS Zone


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