Multiple Ciphertexts

Common Modulus


Common Modulus Attack is used when the same plaintext mm is encrypted twice with the same modulus NN but distinct public exponent e1e_1 and e2e_2. In other words:

c1ā‰”me1modā€‰ā€‰Nc2ā‰”me2modā€‰ā€‰Nc_1 \equiv m^{e_1} \mod N \\ c_2 \equiv m^{e_2} \mod N

If e1e_1 and e2e_2 are coprime, then Bezout's Identity tells us that āˆƒĀ a,bāˆˆZ\exists \ a,b \in \mathbb{Z} s.t.

aā‹…e1+bā‹…e2=1a \cdot e_1 + b \cdot e_2 = 1

Here aa and bb can be solved using extended Euclidean Algorithm. Once we know aa and bb, we could compute

mā‰”c1a+c2bmodā€‰ā€‰Nm \equiv {c_1}^a + {c_2}^b \mod N


c1a+c2bā‰”(me1)aā‹…(me2)bā‰”me1ā‹…a+e2ā‹…bā‰”m1ā‰”mmodā€‰ā€‰N{c_1}^a + {c_2}^b \equiv (m^{e_1})^a \cdot (m^{e_2})^b \equiv m^{e_1 \cdot a + e_2 \cdot b} \equiv m^1 \equiv m \mod N


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from sympy import gcdex
from sys import exit


N = <N>
e1 = <e1>
e2 = <e2>
c1 = <c1>
c2 = <c2>

#--------Common modulus--------#

a, b, gcd = gcdex(e1, e2)
a = int(a)
b = int(b)

# Test if e1 and e2 are coprime
if gcd != 1:
    print("e1 and e2 must be coprime")

m = (pow(c1, a, N) * pow(c2, b, N)) % N
flag = long_to_bytes(m)


Hastad Broadcast Attack


Hastad Broadcast Attack is used when the same plaintext mm is encrypted multiple (ā‰„3\geq 3) times with the same public exponents ee but distinct modulus NiN_i. In other words:

c1ā‰”memodā€‰ā€‰N1c2ā‰”memodā€‰ā€‰N2...cnā‰”memodā€‰ā€‰Nnc_1 \equiv m^{e} \mod N_1 \\ c_2 \equiv m^{e} \mod N_2 \\ ... \\ c_n \equiv m^{e} \mod N_n

Chinese Remainder Theorem tells us the solution to the following equation exists:

ciā‰”memodā€‰ā€‰āˆi=1nNic_i \equiv m^e \mod \prod_{i=1}^{n} N_i

Denote this solution as MM. Chinese Remainder Theorem also provides a method for computing MM:

Mā‰”āˆ‘i=1eciā‹…uiā‹…Nimodā€‰ā€‰NM \equiv \sum_{i=1}^{e} c_i \cdot u_i \cdot N_i \mod N

where N=āˆi=1nNiN = \prod_{i=1}^{n} N_i. Note that the plaintext m<Nim < N_i, hence me<āˆi=1nNi=Nm^e < \prod_{i=1}^{n} N_i = N. As a result, taking ee-th root of MM gives us the plaintext mm. No need to worry about modulo NN since mem^e is not large enough.


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, long_to_bytes
from sympy import root


e = 3

n1 = <n1>
n2 = <n2>
n3 = <n3>

c1 = <c1>
c2 = <c2>
c3 = <c3>

#--------Hastad broadcast attack--------#

N = n1 * n2 * n3
N1 = N // n1
N2 = N // n2
N3 = N // n3

u1 = inverse(N1, n1)
u2 = inverse(N2, n2)
u3 = inverse(N3, n3)

M = (c1*u1*N1 + c2*u2*N2 + c3*u3*N3) % N
m = root(M, e)


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