Low Private Exponent

Wiener Attack

Wiener Attack works when the private exponent dd is small. How small? If the private component dd satisfies:

d<13n14d < \frac{1}{3}n^{\frac{1}{4}}

then we can use Wiener's Attack to get the flag.

The idea behind Wiener's Attack is continued fraction. In the context of CTF, we don't need to worry about the underlying theory since this attack is already implemented in the package oWiener. Install it with pip3 install owiener. Read more about this implementation here:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import owiener
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes


N = <N>
e = <e>
c = <c>

#--------Wiener's attack--------#

d = owiener.attack(e, N)

if d:
    m = pow(c, d, N)
    flag = long_to_bytes(m).decode()
    print("Wiener's Attack failed.")

Boneh-Durfee Attack

Boneh-Durfee Attack also works when the private component dd is small, but it relaxes the restriction to another level compared to Wiener's Attack. If the private component dd satisfies:

d<N0.292d < N^{0.292}

then we can use Boneh-Durfee Attack to get the flag.

This attack is implemented in Sage. The code can be found here:

Boneh-Durfee Attack (Sage implementation)

Last updated

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